Being Authentically You

“Don’t allow the eyes of others to cause you to see your own self as less then.” ~Jaketha, The Divinely Preserved Healer (#dphealer)

There is a big difference between acting gracious and humble while in the presence of someone of higher esteem versus cowering down or allowing them to demean or demoralize you. In this video blog, I share what’s like to feel left out, to not fit the stereotypical mold (mainly as a yoga teacher).

Now the question for you, beloved, is what happens when you don’t fit the mold and are too self-conscious to carry on? Do you give up or try again? If the former, do you allow your self-worth to be out of alignment to suit the “viewpoints” of others? Or, do you accept that some people, places, and things, aren’t a part of your story? Maybe because the timing is off or maybe it’s because it’s not for your Highest Good and we have to learn to be okay with that.