CarnelianCarnelian increases inner attunement, cleanses and purifies, allowing us to better elevate both our emotional and sexual selves! It invokes creativity, engages our fire center, and wakes up our second energy region (Sacral Chakra). Purpose & Benefits: • Best for fertility issues• Simulates appetite, emotions, passions, sexuality, physical energy, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gall bladder and pancreas• Pulls excess... increases inner attunement, cleanses and purifies, allowing us to better elevate both our emotional and sexual selves! It invokes creativity, engages our fire center, and wakes up our second energy region (Sacral ChakraSanskrit: Swadhisthana / SvadisthanaLocation: Below the navelColors: OrangeElement: WaterVerb: I feelIn a Word: Fertility Located below the navel in the lower abdomen (hips), lower back (sacrum), and sexual organs comes the SACRAL CHAKRA. With water as its element, its area of focus is the emotions, emotional stability, and emotional identity, and thus links to the emotional body. Connected to procreation...).
Purpose & Benefits:
- Best for fertility issues
- Simulates appetite, emotions, passions, sexuality, physical energy, reproductive system, menstrual cramps, arthritis, gall bladder and pancreas
- Pulls excess fever out through the feet
- Excellent for lower back trouble
- Connects to the Sacral ChakraSanskrit: Swadhisthana / SvadisthanaLocation: Below the navelColors: OrangeElement: WaterVerb: I feelIn a Word: Fertility Located below the navel in the lower abdomen (hips), lower back (sacrum), and sexual organs comes the SACRAL CHAKRA. With water as its element, its area of focus is the emotions, emotional stability, and emotional identity, and thus links to the emotional body. Connected to procreation...:
- Dark shades mesh well with the Root ChakraSanskrit: MuladharaLocation: Base of the spineColors: RedElement: EarthVerb: I haveIn a Word: Evolution Located at the base of the spine, it is vital to our survival instincts and provides our sense of grounding and connection to our physical bodies and to the physical/Earth plane. It brings healthy, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence and thus is associated with assurance and determination....
- Lighter shades mesh well with the Solar Plexus ChakraSanskrit: ManipuraLocation: Above the navel/bellyColors: YellowElement: FireVerb: I canIn a Word: Empowerment Located near the stomach or naval region, the SOLAR PLEXUS rules out personal power, autonomy, and metabolism. This areas serves as the "center of our will" and is the source of our "gut" feelings. When balanced, it provides strength and ability to hold energy for personal power and...
Color Variations:
- Comes in a variety of colors ranging from red to orange
- In some case, dark brown