Called the “Stone of Babylon” during ancient times and the “martyr stone” by the time of Christ, BloodstoneCalled the "Stone of Babylon" during ancient times and the "martyr stone" by the time of Christ, Bloodstone represents both courage and strength and is used for achieving these attributes. Its associated with honesty, integrity, and in removing obstacles in life. It protects against negativity, brings about change, and teaching us to stay focused in the present. Purpose & Benefits:... represents both courage and strength and is used for achieving these attributes. Its associated with honesty, integrity, and in removing obstacles in life. It protects against negativity, brings about change, and teaching us to stay focused in the present.
Purpose & Benefits:
- Brings love into the situation
- Classic stone for wealth, attracting abundance and good luck
- Helps ground the negative energies surrounding an issue
- Great stone for mental exhaustion
- Most recommended stone for blood and circulation issues
- Most effective on the Heart ChakraSanskrit: AnahataLocation: Center of the chestColors: Green or pinkElement: AirVerb: I loveIn a Word: Compassion Located in the heart area is the fourth chakra, the heart chakra deals with all facets of love, empathy, tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness. Marking the bridge between the upper and lower chakras, it also focuses on social identity, self-acceptance, physical healing, balance, harmony, compassion and... and the Root ChakraSanskrit: MuladharaLocation: Base of the spineColors: RedElement: EarthVerb: I haveIn a Word: Evolution Located at the base of the spine, it is vital to our survival instincts and provides our sense of grounding and connection to our physical bodies and to the physical/Earth plane. It brings healthy, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence and thus is associated with assurance and determination....