Crown Chakra

Sanskrit: Sahasrara
Location: top of the head
Colors: Violet & white
Element: Thought
Verb: I know
In a Word: Divine Bliss

Located at the top of the head, the CROWN CHAKRA is the seventh chakra. It is also known as Christ Consciousness since when opened, provides a connection to the greater world beyond, into a timeless, space-less place of all-knowing.

When balanced, one can connect with the Godhead, the source of the White Light enters into your energy field. However, when unbalanced, once could experience a lack of purpose (in life), a sense of feeling loss, or worse, mental illness or senility.

In a Nutshell:

  • Orients to Self-Knowledge or Self-Realization
  • Releases to Consciousness or Pure Awareness
  • Brings knowledge, wisdom, understanding, spiritual connection and bliss
  • Governs the cerebrum, right-brain hemisphere, right eye, and central nervous system (CNS)

Extended Overview:

Color:Deep Violet or White – a mixture of silver, gold and white, and violet
Sense:Wholeness, completion
Associated Gland:Pineal gland
Associated Organ/Systems:the cerebrum, right-brain hemisphere, right eye, central nervous system
Musical Keynote:B – vocalized as “Eee” but is sacred sound of AUM
Sound Frequency:480 Hz
Qualities and/or Functions:Perfection, integration, unity with the Divine, wisdom and purpose, universal consciousness, understanding, enlightenment

Tools for Working with the Crown Chakra:

To activate (or rebalance) this chakra, wear white/clear crystals, clothing, and foods of its corresponding colors.

Gemstones:Alexandrite, Amethyst, Clear Quartz, Diamond, Iolite, Selenite, Herkimer Diamond, Kundalini Quartz, TIger’s Eye
Herbs:Frankincense, Lotus, Neroli, Rose, Olibanum, Spruce
Essential Oils:Frankincense, Neroli, Rose, Pine
Yoga Poses:Tree Pose, Half-Lotus Pose, Headstand, Corpse Pose (Savasana)
Health Tips:“Eat foods associated with spiritual value; use prayer and meditation regularly; remember to exercise (but can forgo for spiritual purposes).” (Dale, 2009).

The Complete Book of Chakra Healing by Cindi Dale (2009)