Considered a symbol of “love and good fortune” because it heals the heart, clears the emotional body to create pure intentions, allowing us to believe that we are deserving of our request. Its a stone of abundance, growth, peace, harmony, patience, love, fidelity, and honesty.
Purpose & Benefits:
- Excellent for past-life recall and good for banishing nightmares that interfere with dream work
- Provides inspiration and helps those in need of balance, healing and infinite patience
- Love-wise, combines energetically with a diamond and. can be used to attract love (particularly in life), along with healing one heal from damaged love experiences (abuse)
- Health-wise, it is recommended for the following:
- Breathing issues, heart health, swollen lymph nodes, blood problems, thymus, pancreas (for blood sugar rebalance), Labor/Delivery and eyesight
- Enhances the immune system
- Strengthens the backbone
- Alleviates problems associated with diabetes
- Best stone for multiple sclerosis, Parkinson’s disease, epilepsy and vertigo
- Most effective on the Heart ChakraSanskrit: AnahataLocation: Center of the chestColors: Green or pinkElement: AirVerb: I loveIn a Word: Compassion Located in the heart area is the fourth chakra, the heart chakra deals with all facets of love, empathy, tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness. Marking the bridge between the upper and lower chakras, it also focuses on social identity, self-acceptance, physical healing, balance, harmony, compassion and... for accessing desires held deep within