Living with Tinnitus

My Story
Although tinnitus is common among older people (60 or higher), I have suffered from it since my early teens. Year after year, day after day, it’s there as a loud-pitch ringing in both ears. Sometimes the pitches are different frequencies between the two ears, which just magnifies the noise even more.

Over the years, it has gotten worse, especially since I worked in the field of technology for nearly three decades. For about a third of that time, I oftentimes worked in close proximity to high-powered machinery that has since made matters worse. I did listen to loud music as a child often times via wearing headphones but discouraged me from doing so.

For nearly two decades, I have had to see a specialist just to have my ears cleaned out. During that time, I struggled to find a doctor who would offer something other than ear drops. Unfortunately, most doctors were far more ecstatic about having a repeat patient than helping me find out why I suffered from this condition and what I could do about it. Every three to four months like clockwork, I headed to the doctor’s office for another cleaning. Then one day, I stumbled upon a doctor who took my complaints seriously.

Prior to finding him, I took myself to a hearing clinic and they said I had a substantial amount of hearing loss uncommon for my age. They immediately recommended hearing aids but also that to find a doctor who would run additional tests. That was disheartening as I had yet to find a doctor who was willing to run tests.

However, at the recommendation of a coworker, I was led to an ear, nose, and throat (ENT) doctor, who took my concerns seriously enough to run multiple hearing tests and a CT scan – something that no other doctor has ever done. He explained why previous doctors had a double take whenever they examined my ears – they couldn’t “see” my eardrums. They were covered up due to abnormal skin growth, which had closed off one ear. That explained why when I go for regular cleaning, I’d still have trouble hearing. My doctor went on to share that I likely suffered from an excessive amount of untreated infections. Add to that, I had a family history of allergies. I commonly suffered from sinusitis on a semi-annual basis for many decades. However, a few years prior to meeting him, I had already been diagnosed as a year-round allergy sufferer – anything that moved outside, I was probably allergic to it.

He concluded from the hearing tests that I wasn’t going deaf but instead had a number of contributing factors that made tinnitus such a horrifying experience. Aside from those tests, he also conducted a CT scan, which aimed to take a snapshot of my skull to see if there was behind my eardrum – in the middle or inner ear. Oddly enough, there wasn’t.

Again, my doctor was upfront with me, he drew pictures and show my x-rays explaining every step of the way and he outline what might work and why it might not. There was the potential for a surgery that would at least reopen my ear canal; however, he was hesitant to do both ears since he didn’t know if I had any other underlying conditions.

Luckily, I heard Spirit and was led to ask my doctor if we could switch ears – to the one that was the worse – right before, I was rolled back. What I didn’t realize but Spirit did is that COVID was right around the corner and any attempt at doing the other ear would be significantly delayed.

“Tinnitus Aurium, or ‘ringing of the ears,’ consists of a variety of subjective sounds due to nervous disease, anemia, catarrhal conditions, and various other causes. Generally speaking, the dull, throbbing or buzzing noises are due to obstructed circulation in the ear, especially in the fine capillary network spread upon the drum. This commonly results from colds and catarrhal affections …
On the other hand, ringing, screeching, or whistling noises commonly denote some affection the nerves of the auditory apparatus, as is sometimes seen resulting from lagrippe [influenza].” (Charles Hazzard via The Practice and Applied Therapeutics of Osteopathy, pp. 34 – 35)

Aside from allergies, another contributing factor was I suffered from a narrow ear canal, clogged Eustachian tubes, and TMJ. Furthermore, my earwax would build up so bad that it molded to the shape of my canal, mixed with dead skin cells, then hardened like toffee. Neither over-the-counter nor prescription drops helped since they only kept my ear canal wet/moist, which only contributed to ear infections.

The only thing that semi-helped was putting a few drops of hydrogen peroxide (HP). (I’ve also tried sweet oil too.) However, when HP comes in contact with earwax, it starts to bubble and over time makes it softer. However, I’d later learn you can’t leave that in overnight. Again, the risk for ear infections but it would also cause the earwax to sour and smell horrible. It also took a while before it loosing up the wax enough for me to pull some of it out so my journey for a holistic solution continues.

The Spiritual Meaning of Tinnitus:
In mystical circles, tinnitus (or ringing in the ears) is a sign of spiritual awakening or ascension. Meanwhile, others say it means a person is stubborn and is unwilling to hear the side of another. But it can also be linked to sensitive or empathetic people who sense energy so strong that hearing upsetting news, receiving requests for help, or hearing excessive harsh words serve as emotional triggers. Furthermore, such triggers are oftentimes rooted in verbal abuse experienced either in early childhood at the “mouth” of a parent/guardian or another authority figure or later as an adult at the “hands” of a spouse, boss, etc. The empath may also be someone that’s thoroughly intuned with the spiritual realm, that they’ve created their own inner “meditation sounds” to offset the aloneness or separation they feel in being in the Earth Realm versus being with their Soul Family in 5D.

Per Michael Brill, Numerology for Healing: “Illnesses and diseases beginning with the letter T involve intense emotions related to interacting or communicating with others.” Esoterically speaking, via Edgar Cayce reading on tinnitus, sufferers could journal to explore:

  1. “Is there something that I don’t want to hear?”
  2. “Am I blocking messages from within?”
  3. “How would I live differently if I were healed?”