Lapis Lazuli

Known as the “Stone of Ancient Knowledge and Wisdom”, Lapis Lazuli is a powerful thought amplifier that’s helpful in aligning all aspects of the mind and body (elements). It encourages self-knowledge and self-awareness, showing one their inner truth (ready to see, enhances awareness, promotes willpower and encourages kindness/helpfulness. It’s considered a stone of protection that may be worn to guard/shield the wearer against psychic attacks.

Purpose & Benefits:
  • Guides one in the direction of mental and spiritual purity
  • Opens one up to the qualities of honesty, compassion, and morality; seek balance
  • Health-wise, it is aligns with conditions:
    • Beneficial to the respiratory system, especially the throat and lungs
    • Used as a stone to detox and cleanse the organs and nervous system
    • Used for centuries to relieve stress and anxiety, along with symptoms of restlessness, insomnia, nervousness, and depression
  • Most effective with the Throat Chakra, to help one to speak the truth
  • Also effective with the Third-Eye Chakra, to help one open up to psychic attunement and related abilities