Known as the “Stone of Transformation” as it works on etheric levels to direct energy to higher levels, CharoiteKnown as the "Stone of Transformation" as it works on etheric levels to direct energy to higher levels, Charoite stimulate the aura and brings about vibrational change. It helps one to see old patterns with new possibilities by assisting in foresight and improving intuitive vision. Its believed to open the heart to allow inspiration in, encourage service, and grant the... stimulate the aura and brings about vibrational change. It helps one to see old patterns with new possibilities by assisting in foresight and improving intuitive vision. Its believed to open the heart to allow inspiration in, encourage service, and grant the ability for seeing more clearly – psychically, physically, mentally, etc.
Purpose & Benefits:
- Ideal for transforming negative energies into acceptance
- Helps release fears when used in combination with amethystA wonderful companion for grief and often used to promote inner peace, contentment, and meditation, the Amethyst stone represents the color you see in the sky as twilight transitions into night. It takes you on this transition from the magic time of dusk into a conscious shift into a different place, thus enhancing your psychic abilities, imagery, and quieting the...
- Recommended for alcohol and food detoxification
- Used historically for:
- Treating insomnia in children
- Regenerating the body in times of fatigue
- Regulating blood pressure
- Assists with other cardiovascular (heart) and nervous system disorders such as bipolar disorder and autism
- Most effective with the Heart ChakraSanskrit: AnahataLocation: Center of the chestColors: Green or pinkElement: AirVerb: I loveIn a Word: Compassion Located in the heart area is the fourth chakra, the heart chakra deals with all facets of love, empathy, tolerance, compassion, and forgiveness. Marking the bridge between the upper and lower chakras, it also focuses on social identity, self-acceptance, physical healing, balance, harmony, compassion and..., Third-Eye ChakraSanskrit: AjnaLocation: middle of forehead or between the eyesColors: Indigo, a combo red and blueElement: LightVerb: I seeIn a Word: Perception Located in the center of the forehead but in some cases between the eyebrows, the Third-Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra. It's commonly referred to as the Brow Chakra, associated with clairvoyance and mental activity, and related to seeing... and Crown ChakraSanskrit: SahasraraLocation: top of the headColors: Violet & whiteElement: ThoughtVerb: I knowIn a Word: Divine Bliss Located at the top of the head, the CROWN CHAKRA is the seventh chakra. It is also known as Christ Consciousness since when opened, provides a connection to the greater world beyond, into a timeless, space-less place of all-knowing. When balanced, one can connect... in the transmutation out of troubled or stuck emotions like fear