Also known as Gold or Honey CalciteCalcite is the tone of spirituality, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. It is an energy amplifier and cleanser of negative and malicious energies. It helps in stressful situations and heals according to its color. Strongly recommended for those working in healing professions. Purpose & Benefits: • Clears and activates all chakras• Beneficial for the cleansing organs such as stressed or injured..., Yellow CalciteAlso known as Gold or Honey Calcite, Yellow Calcite boosts overall energy levels in a peaceful and gentle manner. Other Purposes & Benefits: • Increases strength and health• Stimulates the intellect• Helps organize intellectual thoughts and information• Used to treat spines and bones (folk remedy)• Serves as a detoxifier for the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen• Activates the Root Chakra, the... boosts overall energy levels in a peaceful and gentle manner.
Other Purposes & Benefits:
- Increases strength and health
- Stimulates the intellect
- Helps organize intellectual thoughts and information
- Used to treat spines and bones (folk remedy)
- Serves as a detoxifier for the kidneys, pancreas, and spleen
- Activates the Root ChakraSanskrit: MuladharaLocation: Base of the spineColors: RedElement: EarthVerb: I haveIn a Word: Evolution Located at the base of the spine, it is vital to our survival instincts and provides our sense of grounding and connection to our physical bodies and to the physical/Earth plane. It brings healthy, prosperity, security, and dynamic presence and thus is associated with assurance and determination...., the Solar Plexus ChakraSanskrit: ManipuraLocation: Above the navel/bellyColors: YellowElement: FireVerb: I canIn a Word: Empowerment Located near the stomach or naval region, the SOLAR PLEXUS rules out personal power, autonomy, and metabolism. This areas serves as the "center of our will" and is the source of our "gut" feelings. When balanced, it provides strength and ability to hold energy for personal power and..., and the Third-Eye ChakraSanskrit: AjnaLocation: middle of forehead or between the eyesColors: Indigo, a combo red and blueElement: LightVerb: I seeIn a Word: Perception Located in the center of the forehead but in some cases between the eyebrows, the Third-Eye Chakra is the sixth chakra. It's commonly referred to as the Brow Chakra, associated with clairvoyance and mental activity, and related to seeing..., complementing each other’s energies
- Blue CalciteSoothing to the emotional body in the emission of a blue light in/around one's auric field, Blue Calcite soothe raw nerves, and eases pain. It enhances psychic ability, astral travel and dream recall. Other Purposes & Benefits: • Works well with the Throat Chakra as it relieves depression, coddles and calms, and absorbs negative energy and thought patterns that work...
- Green CalciteThe Green or Lime Green Calcite stone is associated with tranquility; soothes the Heart Chakra; helps us learn lessons in every situation and helps us to identify new options. Other Purposes & Benefits: • Clarifies visions, imagery, astral travel, and (dream) recall• Helps us to replace fears, old ways with healthier ones• Clears toxins and fumes from the body• Helps...
- Clear CalciteAlso known as Optical Calcite, Clear Calcite is used for clearer vision and general cleansing of the outer and subtle auric bodies. Other Purposes & Benefits: • Assists in communication especially during difficult times• Amplifies images and helps you to see double meanings hidden in communication• Clears the mind and helps you find answers, often through meditation Variations: • Blue...
- Orange CalciteThe Orange Calcite helps with phobias and clearing emotional distress and fear; stimulates psychic abilities as it works at the root of our intuition. Other Purposes & Benefits: • Most effective Sacral Chakra as it balances sexual energies, stimulates conversations, and builds confidence• Helps with the reproductive system, genitals, intestines, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS), kidneys, chronic fatigue syndrome, and calcium...
- Pink CalciteThe Mangago or Pink Calcite brings love, helps one strive for balance, and soothes intense feelings. When emotions are balanced, one is able to trust in others, take (healthy) risks, love, and feel loved. Other Purposes & Benefits: • Works wonders with the Heart Chakra; allowing healing to transpire• Mentally assist in clearing emotional distress, fear, mental breakdown, depression, accidents,...
- Red CalciteCalcite is the tone of spirituality, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. It is an energy amplifier and cleanser of negative and malicious energies. It helps in stressful situations and heals according to its color. Strongly recommended for those working in healing professions. Purpose & Benefits: • Clears and activates all chakras• Beneficial for the cleansing organs such as stressed or injured...
- White CalciteCalcite is the tone of spirituality, enlightenment, and spiritual growth. It is an energy amplifier and cleanser of negative and malicious energies. It helps in stressful situations and heals according to its color. Strongly recommended for those working in healing professions. Purpose & Benefits: • Clears and activates all chakras• Beneficial for the cleansing organs such as stressed or injured...
- Pink CalciteThe Mangago or Pink Calcite brings love, helps one strive for balance, and soothes intense feelings. When emotions are balanced, one is able to trust in others, take (healthy) risks, love, and feel loved. Other Purposes & Benefits: • Works wonders with the Heart Chakra; allowing healing to transpire• Mentally assist in clearing emotional distress, fear, mental breakdown, depression, accidents,...